Saturday, March 28, 2009

Edward Weston

He was born on March 24, 1886 in Illinois
He died on January 1st 1958 at 71

His first camera was a Kodak bulls-eye for his 16th birthday
He attended the College of Illinois for photography and the Chicago art school featured his work.

He moved to California where he shot a lot more
He had a large family with 4 boys and a girl,
2 ended up being photographers
His son Brett focused on Black and white with nature
and his son Coal used vibrant colors in his photos

I love the darkness of his face and the light that is his body....
It's a portrait of his son Neil...

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I was driving a lot today back and forth from Lancaster and I had some cool ideas.

Still life - Berries laid out in rows on the back of something scratched and metallic.
Portraits - Painted faces competently white around some disintegrating building...
- Black strips on peoples nose and eye areas, to make their eye colors pop, outside?
Outside - Going to the abandoned factory taking pics of the windows n' stuff.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ed Weston

I love his work. It has a lot of subtle lighting and his pictures of his children are fantastic. 
Favorite.3rd favorite. 2nd favorite.