Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What is......

Good: So many things in life are good, we just need to have the mindset to appreciate it. Everything has an upside to it. We just don't look.
.Love. Family. Friends. Art. Laughter. Joy. Life. Nature.

Art to me is everywhere. In nature and in the man-made.
When feelings take form and a way to Escape the real World.
.An Outlet.

Photo: Photography is a way to capture a moment in life.
Whether it is posed or spontaneous or right on that line.

Me {sem. 1}
Focus. On a entire thing or just a part.
Light. How it changes and the way it flows.

I want to play with focusing on people. And the way people view Beauty.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


IwasabsolutelyFREEZING when I took these.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


SNOW. snow. Snow.
Ps. The fog is my breath. :P

Monday, January 19, 2009


FINALLY! I caught up in my posts!
so.....I found this bush that was all entangled in itself and I took pictures! Hurray.


YEAH! it snowed. duh. and I played around with make up. and a disco light without the cover. :D


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Nash is a snuggle muffin. just so you know.


Yeah not much time to shoot.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Yeah. I'm only home for 2 hours today so I did this as school. 
I photo shopped it and upped the contrast.
I love the colors in the lamp.

Monday, January 12, 2009

one last post.

I just thought that this was really cool. It's like my favorite.
I photo shopped it to bring out the words.


Yeah so I went out today
frozen lake, icicles, amazing.


I didn't get a lot of time to shoot so I went to my back yard a shot a few of this tree.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


So yeah it's kinda sad that I did this on a Saturday, when I could have gone to the mall....
Btw. It's my mom who's the scarf monster <3


Yeah I didn't have a chance to post yesterday but I did take a few pictures before the dance.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

To some. Nash. to others. noodle.

Yeah 2nd day

Nash, ex-seeing eye dog, daddy, playmate, pet. :D

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Mr. Reeder, I accept.
I am a Tea addict. and proud of it.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


So. today I did 2 rolls of film and they developed nicely....
one problem though......
The second roll was the shoot with Victoria and Jenny out back and guess what!
There is an entire un-shot strip of film. it lied.
I'm pissed.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Self potriat....

Yeah. So I always meant to do that project but now I really want too. I've got a cool idea that involves weird makeup, paint, and a park.....
I don't know how it will go but I hope it turns out cool....I'm trying some stuff with this dinky digital camera, but it kinda sucks...
So I felt convicted to post so yeah. this is what you get.