Sunday, November 30, 2008


Yeah. I felt like posting something :)
I did a shoot over the week. I used very period , 1950's clothing. I think I got some good shots
I used TMX 400 or something...
Then I have another IPH one that I need to develop.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I recently developed and am developing 2 rolls where I use landscape in both. I still need to look at them up close but they should turn out to be great landscapes. Also I played around with the aperture shooting from, 1000 to 350. Well thats all I can think to say.

Friday, November 7, 2008

My Canadian's

I took a bunch of picks in the wilderness of Canada this summer and just found them.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Shutter speed

The shutter Speed helps a photographer capture moving images. I'm playing around with my camera. The higher numbers it opens for a shorter amount of time and the smaller numbers it opened for a longer fraction of a second.
I hope that's right!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

My Tresspassing

May I start by saying....people are so anal today about "Private propriety"
And I look like a collage kid?
Me and Chloe took my sisters camera on a walk and we found a "Abandoned" camp. False. A guy yelled at us.
So here are the ones I like :D